Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quitters are winners.

The day has finally arrived...this morning I threw in the towel and resigned from my job. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to everyone as hoped, however at least I am free. The reason behind my resignation all came down to my boss who is unfortunately extremely unprofessional and extremely disorganised. I am in a lucky enough position to have saved enough money for the mean time, yet I'm still looking for a quick fix before I set off for Canada.
Alot of my family and friends were concerned with the attitude I was beginning to develop
towards work, and suggested that I quit. I was obviously too scared to until this morning, where he just basically backed me into a corner where my only option was to resign effective of immediately. I think life is too valuable to be working for such vulgar types. It's a shame that I didn't hone in on the situation when I recieved the job, because I could have spent many nights and days not worrying about taking time off for a birthday dinner or for a family issue. No longer will I need to be concerned as to how many shifts he will deduct from me because of such's a rather liberating feeling.

If anyone is in a similar position that I was, I strongly urge for you to perhaps consider other options. It's really not worth working for a bully. There were many things that I would have enjoyed blaring down the phone line this morning, however I think it comes to the stage where people that selfish really don't give a toss about the needs of others and alas never will.

Friday, July 16, 2010

We're Jammin'

It's amazing what music can do to the soul.
Different chords striking different feelings.
A certain pitch sending chills down the spine,
and raising goosebumps from the arms.
It was once said that "Music is the mediator
between the spiritual and sensual life", and I couldn't
agree more.
I love a good guitar riff.